
This is where you upload the layered artwork for your Drop.

In a Pre-rendered Collection, each uploaded file represents the final artwork for your Composite.

In a Generative Collection, each uploaded file should be a single PNG layer with a transparent background, that corresponds to one Trait Value. The rest of this guide will focus on generative collections.

To assign an artwork layer, you must choose its associated Trait Set (or Default if not using Trait Sets), Trait, and Trait Value. To ensure that you didn't miss any layers, use the Show Only Unassigned button to filter artwork to only those still needing assignment.

Sync Traits to Filenames: When dealing with lots of layers, it's often most convenient to use a file naming convention and then allowing the system to assign associations automatically. Separate components with hyphens and include spaces in names where appropriate. Capitalization does not matter

If using Trait Sets, name your files like: Format: TRAIT_SET_NAME-TRAIT_NAME-VALUE_NAME.png ``Ex: WOMAN-HAIR-PONY TAIL.png

If not using Trait Sets, name your files like: Format: TRAIT_NAME-VALUE_NAME.png ``Example: HAT-TOP HAT.png

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